
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta jquery clone() remove(). Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta jquery clone() remove(). Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

tabla dinamica jquery clonar y remover ( clone() remove()

PivotTable jquery clone () remove () ..
Then leave one example of a table where you add and delete rows dynamically, with the help of jquery:

jquery.js = http: //
jqueryui.js =

copies the contents of such links and save them in the folder with the same name endicado before above (=) sign now we see with our html code or can download the complete example from: ):
at the end of this entry is the functional demo of the table ...

<Html xmlns = "">
<Meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" />
<Title> Untitled Document </ title>
</ Head>

</ Body>
</ Html>

<Script src = "jquery.js"> </ script>

<Script src = "jqueryui.js"> </ script>

$ (Function () {

$ ( "#tabs") .tabs ();


$ (Function () {

// Clone the hidden row that has the base camps, and added to the end of the table

$ ( "# Add"). On ( 'click', function () {

$ ( "# Tbody table tr: eq ()") clone () append ( '<td class = "delete"> <input class = "a" type = "button" value = "-" /> </.. td> ') appendTo ( "# table.");



// Event to select the row and deletes

$ (Document) .on ( "click". "Delete" function () {

var parent = $ (this) .parent ();

$ (Parent) .remove ();


</ Script>

<H1> Example </ h1>
<Table border = "1" id = "table">

<- Header table ->



<Th> Value </ th>

<Th> Name </ th>

<Th> </ th>

<Th> & nbsp; </ th>

</ Tr>

</ Thead>

<! - Body of the table with fields ->


<! - Row basis to clone and added to the end ->

<Tr id = "row-based">

<Td> <input id = "value" name = "value []" type = "text" /> </ td>

<Td> <select id = "" name = "name []">

<Option value = "" disabled = "disabled" selected = "selected"> Select ... </ option>

<Option value = "FR"> FR </ option>

<Option value = "FR"> FC </ option>

<Option value = "PA"> PA </ option>

<Option value = "Glisemia"> Glisemia </ option>

</ Select>

</ Td>

</ Tr>
<- Order code: Base Row ->

</ Tbody>
</ Table>
<! - Button to add rows ->
<Input type = "button" class = "a" id = "add" value = "+" />

</ Body>
</ Html>

Demo Funcional:  (Descargar Demo))

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